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Dining Options: Delivery, Takeout, Curbside Pickup

Written By Scott Joseph On March 17, 2020

Dragonfly Robata & Grill has announced carryout orders online through its website with a 15% discount as well as doorstep deliveries via UberEats with special offers on menu items.

Additionally, the restaurant has unveiled a discount gift card, where for every $250 digital gift card purchased now through March 31st, the purchaser will receive an additional $100 in Dragonfly rewards dollars added to the card. Every $500 Dragonfly gift card purchased will receive an additional $250 in Dragonfly rewards dollars added to the card. 10% of proceeds from all gift cards sold in this promotion will go towards taking care of the restaurant’s displaced employees.
*Cards must be purchased online through Dragonfly’s website. Cards must be in either $250 or $500 dollar amounts to be eligible. Rewards points will be added digitally on April 1st, 2020. Card balances can be checked anytime on the website.

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