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Dining Options: Delivery, Takeout, Curbside Pickup

Written By Scott Joseph On March 17, 2020


Wahlburgers Orlando, Wahlburgers Waterford Lakes and City Fire at both Brownwood and Lake Sumter Landing in The Villages remain open. Below is a list of how we have adjusted. 

1) On March 3, 2020 we expanded our procedures to increase the frequency of cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, especially in high traffic areas.
2) We have sanitizer stations for our Guests and staff.
3) We have egg timers in the kitchen set at intervals so staff will stop what they are doing and sanitize all surfaces.
4) We have a staff member in each restaurant per shift who is dedicated to continuously circulating the restaurant wiping and sanitizing all high traffic areas.
5) We have instructed our team members to stay home and consult their healthcare providers if they feel the slightest bit ill.
6) We have switched to disposable paper menus.
7) We have ramped up our
home and office delivery services through Uber Eats, DoorDash and Grub Hub.
8) We have implemented curbside car delivery.

Wahlburgers Downtown Orlando: 200 S. Orange Avenue, Orlando, FL 32801

Wahlburgers Waterford Lakes: 749 N. Alafaya Trail, Orlando, FL 32828

City Fire Brownwood: 2716 Brownwood Blvd, The Villages, FL 32163

City Fire Lake Sumter Landing: 1018 Canal St, The Villages, FL 32162

Quotes from Gina-

“Our restaurants are gathering places for family and friends, and we have been proactive to keep our restaurants safe and clean. When this virus started making headlines we took immediate action,” says franchisee, Gina Buell.

“We look forward to welcoming our beloved Guests for as long as possible and can assure you we are doing everything we can to deliver an exceptional, enjoyable and safe experience,” concludes Buell.

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