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Dining Options: Delivery, Takeout, Curbside Pickup

Written By Scott Joseph On March 17, 2020


KADENCE TO GO!  Each day, we’ll open up our reservations at 9am until noon (or until we sell out) for folks to place and pre-pay for their orders. You’ll be able to choose from pick-up times between 4pm – 6pm. (We’ve limited each slot to encourage and adhere to practices of social distancing). The menu might look a tiny bit different each day, but see below for an example of what to expect tomorrow. We’ll do our best to keep it updated on our Instagram stories @kadenceorlando each day, as well.

? INDUSTRY MEALS FOR IMPACTED WORKERS We know our hospitality industry fam is hurting right now, and many have lost their jobs in the process. Next week, we will be offering 60 homestyle Filipino meals (adobo, rice and a beer!) to hospitality folks who are out of work. We are hoping to continue spreading this love in April and invite you to get involved:
If you know someone who might fit into this category, please have them e-mail [email protected] for more info
If you would like to sponsor a meal – or week’s worth of meals – please reach out to [email protected] to coordinate making that happen. There will also be an option to donate when placing a takeout order. It takes a village!
? PURCHASE A GIFT CARD to help ensure we can help take care of our employees during this time. Simply reach out to us via e-mail and we’ll get you set-up.

? FOR GUESTS WITH APRIL RESERVATIONS We will be in touch with you at least one week before your reservation, but if you would like to go ahead and reschedule for a later date, please reach out to us ([email protected]).

? IF YOU ARE SICK, PLEASE STAY HOME. If anyone in your party feels even the slightest bit unwell or is under self-quarantine (due to exposure to a known COVID-19 case or because of travel within 14 days), we kindly ask that you reschedule your visit to Kadence.

Click here to place your take away order.
Remember we take same day pre-orders between 9am – 12pm each day!

We will be closed the week of March 30th for our previously scheduled spring break, and we plan to re-open on April 7. These are unchartered times, though, so we will keep you posted on changes and developments.

We hope you find our reviews and news articles useful and entertaining. It has always been our goal to assist you in making informed decisions when spending your dining dollars. If we’ve helped you in any way, please consider making a contribution to help us continue our journalism. Thank you.

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