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Who’s Who in the Central Florida Wine and Beverage Business

Written By Erin Allport On November 19, 2014


miliotes george 07George Miliotes – George grew up in Orlando. He helped at his father’s original franchise restaurant and then later, after college, Chris’s House of Beef. George became well-known in Orlando for his dedication to wine at Disney’s California Grill. Later, Darden Restaurants recruited him to open the ever-popular Seasons 52, and he is credited as being a leader and innovator for bringing the “global wines by the glass” program to the forefront. George’s philosophy has always been education for the staff and guest and is always happy to share his knowledge of wine. In 2007 he gained the prestigious title of Master Sommelier – a title only 140 professionals in America hold. It was a big win for Orlando’s wine scene in 2003, when Seasons 52 opened as a test concept, as everyone in the wine business wondered if a restaurant with over 50 wines by the glass would be able to sustain itself. The answer 11 years later is yes! And it all began here in our hometown.

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