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Who’s Who in the Central Florida Wine and Beverage Business

Written By Erin Allport On November 19, 2014


tim varanTim Varan – In October of 1995, Tim Varan and Brock Magruder opened the first Tim’s Wine Market on Ivanhoe Row. Tim is known in the wine industry for keeping detailed records of every wine he tastes. He’s also known for having a very accurate palate and a great selection of wines. He tastes wines weekly and judges them on their individual merit without concern of reviews or scores. When I asked him what he enjoys most about the wine business, he replied, “Definitely the people, both producers and customers, who make each day fun. Since our tag line is featuring the faces and places that make wine great, I get to travel and taste wine with vendors and producers, learning the fine details of what makes each wine relevant. Then I get to use that knowledge to teach, either to my employees and franchisees, or in one of our Wednesday night classes or one-on-one with customers. The ultimate moment of joy comes from having someone tell me that they enjoyed a wine that was outside their comfort zone.”
Today Tim has five additional franchise locations in Windermere, Lake Mary, Oviedo, St. Augustine and Ponte Vedra. Each of these locations has the same philosophy and feel of the original Tim’s Wine Market, which is personal attention and service. It’s the welcome feeling you get walking in the door and the educated answer to a question that keep the loyal locals coming back.

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