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Notes from Rome: BaGhetto, Roscioli, aperitivo, a cooking class and a New York clone

Written By Scott Joseph On October 11, 2022


Rome baccano

Walking back to our hotel one night just before midnight after a late dinner, we came across a venue that looked oddly familiar. It was called Baccano and its owners most certainly modeled it after Balthazar in New York.

Our young and affable bartender confirmed that after we’d asked if he’d ever been there. It was one of the few places still open at that hour so we stayed for a nightcap of limoncello.

The next evening as we walked home again, about the same hour, we again came across Baccano, quite by accident. We shrugged and both said, “Why not?” We walked in and when the bartender saw us he pulled out the limoncello bottle.

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