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Notes from New York: Le Coucou, Le Bernardin, Covina, Sweet Chick, White Oak Tavern and Artichoke Pizza

Written By Scott Joseph On February 17, 2017


Artichoke Pizza sign

Artichoke Pizza
There are, of course, hundreds of places to grab a slice of pizza in New York. My loyalties change as the quality of the pies flag. My current favorite is Artichoke Pizza, also known as Artichoke Basille’s Pizza, which has several locations in the city.

I stopped into the one in the West Village and judging from the scrum to order a slice, it’s the favorite of many.

Artichoke Pizza slice

Good reason, too. Big slice, appropriately thin, and topped with plenty of your preferred toppings. Perfect for walking.

Check the website for locations. Thanks to Jamie McFadden of Cuisiniers Catering for the tip.

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