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Notes from New Orleans: Meril, La Petite Grocery, Tableau, Backspace, Brigtsen’s, Mr. B’s, and R’evolution

Written By Scott Joseph On December 5, 2016


Nola Brigtsen dining room
I will also look forward to returning to Brigtsen’s, which was also an almost perfect dining experience.

Located in an old house far from the French Quarter, Brigtsen’s gives one the feeling that the furniture has been moved out of the way so that dining tables could be set up in the living room, enclosed porch and even the hallways.

Although he opened the restaurant in 1986, Frank Brigtsen is considered among the new guard of New Orleans chefs.

The menu changes regularly, but if the gumbo with rabbit and andouille sausage is available, it’s an easy choice to make.

Nola Brigtsen fish

Mustard and cornmeal fried Des Allemands catfish will change how you feel about that fish.

nola brigtsen duck

And Roasted Duck with Dirty Rice and tart dried cherry sauce is another good choice.

With Marna Brigtsen serving as Maitre d’, you really do feel like you’re dining in someone’s home.

Brigtsen’s is at 723 Dante St., New Orleans.

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