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Notes from New Orleans: Meril, La Petite Grocery, Tableau, Backspace, Brigtsen’s, Mr. B’s, and R’evolution

Written By Scott Joseph On December 5, 2016

Nola petite sign

La Petite Grocery
La Petite Grocery has been around for a while, but no one really started paying much attention to it until Justin Devillier took over as the executive chef and, eventually, the owner.

Nola petite beignets

It occupies a century-old building that, indeed, was once a grocery. If you have nothing else here, have the Blue Crab Beignets. At $15, their a bit dear for fritters, but once you taste the creamy crab filling you’ll think you’ve gotten a bargain.

Nola petite gnocchi

Also good were the Ricotta Dumplings, gnocchi-like noodles topped with shaved piave vecchio.

Nola Petite duck

Duck Confit with sausage and choucroute was OK, especially after the cool meat that was first served was replaced with a fully heated duck.

Nola petite interior

La Petite Grocery is at 4238 Magazine St., New Orleans.

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