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How to Keep Your Turkey From Laying an Egg

Written By Scott Joseph On November 23, 2010

Ready for the Roast

Place the turkey, breast side up, on a flat rack in a shallow roasting pan, about two inches deep. (A deeper pan may shield parts of the turkey, causing uneven roasting. A shallower pan will be difficult to lift out of the oven without spilling the drippings.) Placing the bird on a rack will help prevent the drippings from sticking to the turkey.

If you want, you can rub the turkey with a little vegetable oil before placing it in the oven. This is optional and is done more for cosmetic purposes. “A lot of people call wanting to know how to get a picture-perfect bird,” says Schnelle. The oil will aid in giving the turkey an even tan. Schnelle does not recommend using butter, This is primarily a “beauty tip” because butter can cause scorching spots on the turkey.

Next place a tent of aluminum foil over the turkey. To do this, tear off a long sheet of foil and crease it down the center. Place it over the bird and loosely crimp the ends to the sides of the pan to hold in place. This prevents overbrowning, allows for heat circulation, keeps the turkey moist and reduces oven splatter. If you prefer, the foil can be left off until the turkey is golden brown.

If using a meat thermometer, insert it through the foil into the thickest part of the thigh, making certain the thermometer isn’t touching bone.

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