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Winedos brings fine wine and education to Central Florida

Written By Scott Joseph On June 21, 2023

Ivan Del Barco, left, CEO of Winedos, and Enrique Del Barco, academic director.

Winedos is a new wine delivery and mail-order business based in Casselberry and owned by Ivan Del Barco with an assist from his father, Enrique, as the company’s academic director. A key aspect of Winedos is education and conveying details about each wine they sell through video documentaries. And the Del Barcos go to great lengths to produce them.

No, really, they actually go to the wineries, wherever they are. So far they have produced dozens of documentaries in multiple countries. Spain has been a recent focus.

The name Winedos is pronounced like the opposite of Winedon’ts. The DO stands for Denominations of Origin, the geographic designations assigned by wine producing countries and regions to assure the authentication of the grapes produced there.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

The videos are well produced and informative -check out their introductory video here – with most featuring the winemaker explaining the wine in detail in his or her own words (or as in the case of some of the Spanish wines, via a translator), from how the grapes were grown, harvested and expressed to the characteristics to look for in the appearance and taste.

Windedos wine disc

I needed a good bottle of white wine for a dinner party recently, so I went to winedos.com – Ivan calls it the World Wine Web – and did some shopping. I narrowed my choices down to a few and watched the videos to learn more about each wine. I finally settled on the 2019 Gaintza Aitako because it seemed best suited for what I would be serving. I added it to my cart and headed to the checkout “lane.”

The process is pretty straightforward and similar to other e-commerce checkout procedures. But there’s one difference. Winedos offers free shipping on orders over $160 as long as the boxes are shipped to a FedEx location for the customer to pick up. That saves money for both parties and it saves wine – you don’t have to rely on someone to be home to sign for the shipment or worry about a box of good wines sitting on your front porch in Florida heat.

But even better, Winedos is currently offering customers in the Greater Orlando area free door-to-door shipping without a minimum sales amount. (Just skip the field that asks which FedEx location to ship to; the site will figure that you’re a local customer.)

Windedos opener and tag

I entered my payment information and completed the purchase and my wine was delivered later the same day. And included with the wine was a hangtag with a QR code containing all the information on the wine, in case you’re one of those people who likes to cellar wines but then forget the details. There was also a very good quality wine opener, a wine disc for pouring without dripping, a coupon for future purchases, and a wine stopper, in case you’re one of those people who opens a bottle of wine and doesn’t drink it all in one sitting. (I’m not sure we’ve ever met.)

The Del Barcos’ enthusiasm for wine is contagious. I recommend you visit winedos.com and look through some of the documentaries and their portfolio of fine wines and give them a try.

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