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Will You Be Offering Thanksgiving Dinner?

Written By Scott Joseph On October 21, 2020

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Call for Thanksgiving Listings
There’s no doubt that Thanksgiving is going to be different this year. But people will still be looking for alternatives to home-cooked meals.
Will your restaurant be offering Thanksgiving dinner?
If so, send us the details so we can include you in our Holiday Dining listings.
Send all the information – restaurant name, physical address, website, phone number and type of meal service you will be providing. This year, we’ll be specifying if the meal service is dine-in, takeout (including contactless curbside) or delivery.
The SJO staff will copy and paste any details you send, so be sure it’s worded the way you’d like our readers to see it. Please, DO NOT SEND PDFS. Text documents, JPEGs and PNGs are preferred. (Please note that special fonts and formatting, such as centered text, will not be copied to the file. However, if you have a JPEG or PNG of your menu, it may be included in the listing.
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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856


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