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Where Did You Eat on Thanksgiving Day?

Written By Scott Joseph On November 23, 2012

In homes all across Central Florida, the turkey carcasses have been picked clean, the last drop of gravy has been sopped up by the final roll, and containers of leftovers are waiting to be used for sandwiches and casseroles throughout the week.

Unless you went to a restaurant for your Thanksgiving meal.

In that case, there is no picked-clean carcass, nor none of the attendant mess. You didn’t have to fret over the making of the gravy — “It needs more broth.” “No, it needs more flour.” — and you weren’t forced to eat another green bean casserole from the cousin who always says he’ll bring something but never makes a special effort.

But then you also don’t have the leftovers, which some might argue are the best part of Thanksgiving. So I’m wondering, from those of you who chose to go out for dinner this year, where did you go, how was the experience, and would you recommend the restaurant to others? The last question is important because many folks will be faced with the same decision in just a few short weeks when Christmas Day comes along.

So help out your fellow floggers and tell us how your dinner went, and whether you’d do it over again. Please leave your comments below.


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