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Weekend Events: Scotch Tastings and Eat Local Week Windup

Written By Scott Joseph On November 16, 2012

glenfiddich labelLooking for something to do this weekend? You have two chances to go to a single malt scotch tasting (do the math).

Our two Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse and Wine Bars are offering a four-course dinner with three of the courses paired with Glenfiddich Scotch Whisky, the 12 year old, 15 year old, and 18 year old. The whiskies get older as the meal progresses, something I can relate to.

The dinner costs $95 per person, not including tax and gratuity, and will be offered tonight, Friday, Nov. 16, at the Restaurant Row Fleming’s, 8030 Dellagio Way, Orlando, and Saturday, Nov. 17, in Winter Park, 933 N. Orlando. Ave. (corner of Lee Road). For reservations call the Orlando restaurant at 407-352-5706 or the Winter Park store at 407-699-9463. Check the end of this article for the menu.

Also, don’t forget that Eat Local Week concludes this weekend with a full day of events in Central Park’s West Meadow in Winter Park. You can get some more details here.

So get out, eat, drink — report back here on Monday.

Here’s the menu for the scotch tastings:

Scallop Salad
pancetta with toasted onion and frisée
in a lemon-chili vinaigrette
Paired with Glenfiddich 12 Year Old Single Malt

Slow-Roasted Pork Belly
over creamy chèvre grits, black cherry
and a sweet onion chutney
Paired with Glenfiddich 15 Year Old Single Malt

Tenderloin of Beef
Fleming’s signature filet over crisp pimento potato
cake and a mascarpone and blue cheese butter
Paired with Glenfiddich 18 Year Old Single Malt

Chocolate Budino
rich chocolate tartlet, chèvre salted
whipped cream and cocoa nibs

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