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Valentine’s Day Dining

Written By Scott Joseph On February 10, 2020

Stefano’s Trattoria

1. Pollo amore $18: chicken breast rolled and stuffed with fresh cherry preserve, fontal cheese, and smoked ham; breaded and baked. Served in a sherry wine tomato sauce with fresh mushrooms, and a side of penne marinara.
2. Agnello cuore $20: pan seared rack of lamb topped with goat cheese and pistachio and baked. Served over linguine in a aglio oilo sauce.
3. Lobster ravioli $20: lobster raviolis sauteed in a champagne cream sauce with jumbo shrimp.
4. Seafood pomodori pelati $25: a combination of shrimp, scallops, basa fish, and mussels sauteed in a sherry yellow tomato sauce with asparagus. Served over linguine.

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