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The Most Romantic Restaurant in Orlando and where to dine on Valentine’s Day

Written By Scott Joseph On February 5, 2015

News from the Flog    

What’s the Most Romantic Restaurant in Central Florida? You Decide with Your Vote

Venetian Room dininig roomWhat’s the most romantic restaurant in Central Florida? According to our poll, the current frontrunners are K restaurant in College Park, followed by Vito’s Chophouse on International Drive and Cafe de France on Park Avenue. Other top vote getters include Bistro on Park, RusTeak in College Park and the new Boca, also on Park Avenue. I guess those Winter Parkers are a passionate bunch.

There’s still time for you to vote for your favorite — I’m holding the voting open until Friday. Follow this link to vote for the Most Romantic Restaurant in Central Florida. The winner will be announced Friday afternoon.

It’s a fairly disparate collection, which only goes to prove that romantic is as romantic does. And of course all of this is just to remind you that Valentine’s Day is next week and if you haven’t made a reservation at your favorite romantic restaurant yet, you may find yourself trying to whisper sweet nothings to your Valentine across a table at Chuck E. Cheese. And they probably have a wait list.

Continue reading about Valentine’s Day dining in Orlando…

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