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Taverna Opa Offers Curbside Pickup at Lunch

Written By Scott Joseph On July 16, 2012

I know that a lot of people would visit some of the better restaurants on International Drive if traffic and parking weren’t an issue. Well, Taverna Opa is taking the parking issue out of the mix, at least during lunch time, and I’m not talking about offering valet parking.

You now can call or email TO with a food order, then pull up to the curb and someone from the restaurant will bring your order out to you. If you order through the website, you’ll be entered in a promotion to receive a free lunch certificate worth $15. A certificate will be offered to every 50th email order customer (phone orders will not be eligible for the certificate). 

The curbside pickup is offered Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. What sorts of things can you order? Souvlaki platters, wood-fired chicken and beef kabobs, lamb chops, and traditional Greek salad (you think you may know what a Greek salad is, but if you’ve never had one in Greece or at Taverna Opa, you may be wrong). I’ll have some other food options for you soon when I have an updated full review of Taverna Opa.

Those using the curbside pickup are asked to call a few minutes before arriving at 9101 International Drive.

There’s nothing in the press release that says the restaurant’s resident belly dancer will come out and throw some napkins in your car or dance with you on the hood, but I think they’re missing out on good marketing value if she doesn’t.

For more information, visit opaorlando.com or email the restaurant at [email protected].

The phone number is 407-351-8660.


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