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Super Bowl Party at Doc’s and Recent Restaurant Reviews

Written By Scott Joseph On January 29, 2014

News from the Flog    

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Party with Friends at Doc’s Streetside Grille’s Super Bowl Celebration


Docs Superbowl banner 


The Super Bowl is one of those events that just has to be experienced with other people. Ideally it would be in the stadium where the game is playing. But since tickets are going for more than $2000, that isn’t practical. Plus there’s the whole thing about getting to New Jersey, where the game will be played. But then you’re in New Jersey. In winter. In an open-air stadium. Did I mention you’d be in New Jersey?

You could invite a group of friends into your home to watch the big game. But then you’d have a bunch of people in your home.

So I think the best option is to get out of the house, find a fun restaurant, and watch the game there. It’s sounding like there’s going to be a terrific Super Bowl watching party at Doc’s Streetside Grille. And it’s indoors!

The staff at Doc’s has a bunch of fun things planned…

See what’s happening at Doc’s Streetside Grille’s Super Bowl Party.

Calling All Restaurateurs
What are you planning for Valentine’s Day? I don’t mean you personally, I’m just wondering if you are offering any specials or incentives for Valentine’s Day, which this year falls on February 14. If you’d like to be part of my Valentine’s Day listing, send me a note here with the name of your restaurant, physical address, and details about the special. You’re welcome to attach menus and other information, but please — Word files instead of PDFs are appreciated. I’ll keep a running list of all restaurants that respond.


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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856


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