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SJO Dining Deal at K Restaurant

Written By Scott Joseph On April 18, 2013

K Logo

Today I’m launching a new type of SJO Dining Deal, one geared specifically for the type of diner who reads the flog, and I’m starting with one of our favorite restaurants, K in College Park.

In the past, the deals have typically been for a specific dollar amount, say $40 of food and drink at the featured restaurant for a purchase price of $20. But the average reader of SJO is someone who loves good food and wine and dining out at good restaurants. Their average check would go well over $40. It was still a good deal, but I think this one is better.

With this SJO Dining Deal at K restaurant, we’re offering three levels of purchase prices for the certificates, but each requires a minimum purchase price at the restaurant. So you can choose the level that meets your requirements. They are:

  • $25 certificate for $10 with a minimum purchase of $37.50
  • $50 certificate for $25 with a minimum purchase of $95
  • $75 certificate for $30 with a minimum purchase of $140

esy-logoAnd with this launch, I’m also initiating another new feature. For every certificate sold, SJO will donate $1 to a charity or cause selected by the restaurant. K’s owner and chef Kevin Fonzo has chosen the Edible Schoolyard Project at Orlando Junior Academy as his beneficiary. And, Fonzo has pledged to match each donation.

So, you get a good deal — in most cases better than 50 percent off — not to mention a good dinner, and the Edible Schoolyard Project gets some much needed funds. Wins all around.

As always, I will feature only the best restaurants on this site. If you’ve been to K, you know that this is one of the area’s best. If you haven’t, here’s your chance to give it a try.

I hope you enjoy it.

Click here to go to the SJO Dining Deals page.

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