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Scott’s Tips for Magical Dining Month, and other stuff

Written By Scott Joseph On September 2, 2016

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How to Get the Most Out of Magical Dining Month

Ready, Set, Dine Magically


One of the most frequent questions I get this time of the year is: Where should I go for Magical Dining Month, Scott?

In case you’re new to town, Magical Dining Month, which is actually a little over a month long, is Visit Orlando’s annual promotion and fundraiser wherein participating restaurants offer a three-course table d’hote menu. In most cases, you get an appetizer or salad, an entree and a dessert, usually with two or three choices in each category, for the set price of $33.

There are 65 participating restaurants, and even with the expanded days from August 29 through October 2 this year, it would be virtually impossible to try the all. Thus that frequent question of the best places to go during the month.


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