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Recent Takeout Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On May 28, 2020

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Recent Reviews

Takeout Review: Maxine’s On Shine

maxine togo ext

While walking my dog through my neighborhood recently, I saw a delivery van with the logo of Maxine’s On Shine on the side and the words Maxine’s On Demand.

I was intrigued.

I liked the idea of having Maxine’s food delivered for an evening meal. But as I looked into it, I found that the process wasn’t intuitive or self explanatory. I ended up ordering my dinner for curbside pickup, which worked out fine. Later, I found out more about the delivery option and I’ll share those details in a moment.

But first the review of takeout from Maxine’s On Shine, not on demand.

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Phoresh pho

Just before all corona hell broke loose,back in March, I visited Phoresh, a “noodles and street fare” cafe in East Orlando. Ironically, I ordered my food for takeout. Had I known what was about to happen, I might have stayed to savor a final dine-in experience. But since we’re focusing these days on the takeout experience, I thought I might as well tell you about Phoresh now.

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Winter Garden’s Chef’s Table Hires New Executive Chef

Tarters and Womelsdorf

We have news out of Winter Garden. Kevin and Laurie Tarter, owners of Chef’s Table at the Edgewater and other WG venues, have announced the hiring of Crystal Womelsdorf as executive chef. David Lampman will continue on at the popular restaurant as chef de cuisine. (Womelsdorf is pictured above at right with the Tarters.)

This is a homecoming of sorts for Womelsdorf, who had worked with the Tarters when they were on the staff at California Grill and joined them when they started their chef table concept 12 years ago this month.


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Confirmed: Spoleto Italian Kitchen has Closed All Central Florida Locations

spoleto exterior

As reported earlier this week, Spoleto Italian Kitchen, the South American-born chain of quick-serve restaurants, appeared to have closed all of its Central Florida locations. At the time of publication, none of the chain’s representatives were available for comment. Friday, managing partner Laura Henderson returned a call to confirm that indeed the restaurants are permanently closed. She cited the pandemic as the reason for the shutdown, noting that the parent company is in Brazil, which is currently being hard hit by the coronavirus.


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Other Stuff

Nominees for 2020 Best Takeout Foodster Award

togo sack

This is a first-time category for our Foodster Awards for Independent Restaurants, but it somehow seems a natural choice: Best Takeout.

During the nominating phase, you may vote for up to three candidates. Voting will continue through June 3. The restaurants receiving the most votes will advance to the finals.

When deciding whom to vote for, consider the food, of course, but also consider the takeout experience. Give special consideration to the restaurants that have had to reconfigure their business model to provide takeout during the pandemic.

Click Read More to see the list of nominees and to vote.

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