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Recent Takeout Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On May 7, 2020

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Recent Reviews

Takeout Review: Pizza Bruno

PizzaBruno cu

I had ordered one pie from Pizza Bruno, the popular restaurant on Curry Ford Road, but when the staff member came out to place the order in my trunk, she was carrying two boxes. She had gone back inside before I could ask about the double containers.

Concerned that I may have gotten someone else’s order – and worried I didn’t have mine – I pulled over and popped the trunk. The toppings I had requested were scribbled on one of the boxes: sausage, ‘roni, anchovies.

On the other was written, “Sorry! Has hole.”

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Virtual Supper Club Redux: A Soco Dinner in Cyberspace

Virtualsc zoom room

More than 40 of us got together last Thursday for a Supper Club gathering, but we did it without violating any social distancing guidelines.

We met via Zoom, the online app that allows face to face meetings. Mostly used for businesses and educators to connect remotely, Zoom seemed the perfect platform to use for a food and wine tasting.

And the inaugural event with Soco Thornton Park went quite well.

There were difference from a usual Supper Club. For one thing, attendees had to pick up their food orders at the downtown restaurant on the day of the event. (Some of us within a certain radius of Soco were able to take advantage of the restaurant’s free, staff-provided delivery service.)

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Phase 1: Scenes from Restaurant Row

Phase1 rocco patio

While fetching takeout on Restaurant Row Tuesday – from The Whiskey; review coming soon – I had the opportunity to observe how some of the other restaurants there were operating under the Phase 1 reopening rules.

Those rules, which went into effect Monday, permit restaurants to allow in-house dining again but only at 25 percent of capacity. What that means isn’t clear, even to restaurant owners. Is it 25 percent of what the fire marshal says is safe occupancy? If so, does that include the number of staff members on duty? Or is it a quarter of the number of tables? Or chairs?

The point may be moot for the time being – it would seem that more than 75 percent of the dining public is still staying home, or availing takeout and delivery.

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Most Restaurants Taking Cautious Approach to Reopening

Tap room dining room

Florida restaurants were given the go-ahead to begin reopening to in-house dining beginning Monday. The so-called Phase 1 plan outlined by Gov. Ron DeSantis allows restaurants to again welcome guests through their doors but only at 25 percent of legal capacity to allow for proper separation between diners.

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College Park’s Downtown Credo Closes Permanently

credo interior

Downtown Credo, the fair-trade coffeeshop built on a name-your-price business model, is closing its original location in College Park.

In a press release Monday, founder Ben Hoyer stated, “The quick and open-ended effects of COVID-19 coupled with an increasing rent burden made it extremely challenging to continue operating in the College Park space.”


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Other Stuff

Mother’s Day Dining Options

Mona Mask

Despite the move to begin reopening restaurants, it’s unlikely that we’ll see full restaurant restoration before Mother’s Day, which, by the way, is May 10, just a little over a week away.

Mother’s Day has traditionally been one of the busiest dining days for restaurants, and while we won’t see tables of four, six or eight people taking mom out for brunch, it’s still likely to be a popular takeout day.

So, as usual, we’ve compiled a list of restaurants that are offering Mother’s Day dining options, with an emphasis this year on takeout and delivery.

Take a look at the list – better yet, send the link to your Mother and ask which restaurant she prefers – then place your order. Be aware that some restaurants will not be open on that Sunday, so a Saturday pickup may be required.

It’s always a lovely thing to be able to treat your mother on her special day. This year, you can show her some extra love by continuing to protect her and let her enjoy a good restaurant meal in safe isolation.

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Beard Foundations Announces Finalists for Delayed Restaurant Awards Ceremony

Pulapaka Lion FishHari Pulapaka of Cress welcomes AJ+ host Yara Elmjouie to his DeLand restaurant in a scene from the Beard-nominated video.

Looking for some normalcy, some of the same ol’ same ol’? Just look to the finalists for the James Beard Foundation Awards. They’re as lopsided and irrational as always, which you may find alternately comforting and infuriating.


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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856



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