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Recent Takeout Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On April 30, 2020

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Recent Reviews

Takeout Review: American Social

Amso togo exterior

There were a couple of nice surprises with my takeout at American Social, the still-new sports bar and restaurant on Sand Lake Road.

The first surprise was a 20 percent discount for picking the order up at curbside and not having it delivered through a third party app service. As you may – and should – know, most of the gig delivery operations take 30 percent of the restaurant’s billing. So it’s nice that AmSo shares some of that savings with the customers.

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Takeout Review: Prato

Prato togo ext

They’re four of the saddest words one can hear when ordering takeout from Prato: We’re out of meatballs.

Those delicious orbs are my go-to item to order when dining in and I really wanted some to go. But the young woman who answered the phone blurted them out before I could say anything, leaving me slightly crestfallen.

So I had to adjust on the fly. Luckily, my other must-have item, the Widowmaker pizza (perhaps we can come up with a new name for this one) was available. I also got an order of the Mustard Spaghettini Cacio e Pepe.

And because it was a Friday evening, and I was distraught about the meatball shortage, I thought I would splurge on an Old Fashioned cocktail. I thought $22 for a cocktail was a bit much but, like I said, it was a Friday.

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Mark Angelo, Man of Many Bar Concepts, is Dead at 59

Angelo and UlmerMark Angelo, right, with Todd Ulmer

Mark Robert Angelo, a proficient entrepreneur who opened dozens of bars and restaurants, most in downtown Orlando, died April 13 after a long bout with pancreatic cancer. He was 59.


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Other Stuff

Need More Freezer Space? This Refrigerator has a Flexible Drawer That Can Go Both Ways.

Flex space fridge

I was chatting with our friends at Southeast Steel, the downtown Orlando appliance warehouse, and was not surprised to learn that they’re getting lots of calls for new freezers.

Some people, I suppose, have done a lot of panic buying at the grocery store, purchasing more meats and frozen entrees in the event that their favorite Stouffer’s dinner disappears from the shelves.

Others, like me, are cooking more, making stocks, sauces and soups, too much to be consumed within a few days. So we package it up – my vacuum sealer has been getting a workout – label the containers and toss them into the freezer.

Which is quickly filling up at my house. And I have a refrigerator/freezer in the kitchen and in the garage. I’m at the point where I might have to take the bottle of vodka out of the freezer to make room for packages of homemade moussaka.

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Virtual Supper Club
Our Virtual Supper Club with Soco Thornton Park this evening (Thursday, April 30) is sold out. But you can follow along on Facebook Live at the Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide Facebook page. Just click that link at 7 p.m. and join the viewing party. 

Brought to you by…

 Big Fin Curbside

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