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Recent Takeout Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On August 27, 2020

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Recent Reviews

Takeout from Reyes Mezcaleria

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I had a really terrific takeout dinner from Reyes Mezcaleria recently. And I don’t mean to qualify that statement to mean “good for takeout food.” It was a wonderful meal and some of the best food I’ve had in months.

I needn’t have been surprised, chef Wendy Lopez has established herself as one of the area’s best chef regardless of the cuisine she’s cooking. But she does seem to shine when the menu features the foods of her native Mexico. (Michoacán, to be specific, where you’ll find an area known as Los Reyes.) Reyes Mezcaleria is owned by Jason and Sue Chin and falls under the umbrella of their Good Salt Restaurant Group, which also includes Baldwin Park restaurants Seito Sushi and the Osprey.

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Takeout from Se7en Bites

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Let’s get takeout for breakfast. No, having to drive someplace to get the food isn’t as nice as having breakfast in bed. But if the restaurant offers curbside pickup, you don’t have to change out of your pajamas and can hop back in bed when you get home.

Let’s go to Se7en Bites.

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Newsy Nuggets: Food journalist org. disbands, Beard Awards on hiatus, and a little bit of New Orleans comes to DeLand


AFJ, the Association of Food Journalists, announced this week that it was dissolving the organization. AFJ was founded in 1974 when its members consisted mostly of newspaper food page editors and writers. It expanded to include restaurant critics – I was a proud member for decades – and, in more recent years, it embraced freelancers and bloggers.


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Newsy Nuggets: Orlando loses a fine fine dining restaurant, no mystery on I-drive for a while, and no hooley this weekend

Elize tuna

  • Sad news out of downtown Orlando this weekend: Elize, the very good Dutch-accented restaurant that took over the Rusty Spoon space just over a year ago, has closed due to the economic downturn brought on by the coronavirus. Elize was owned by Michelle Lagerweij, who has a similarly named restaurant in her hometown of Utrecht in the central Netherlands. She brought in Leon Mazairac, once recognized by Gault et Millau as the Netherlands’ most talented chef, to head the Orlando kitchen. The food was excellent, and the menu unique in Central Florida. Elize had recently reopened under the Phase 2 guidelines “to an immensely positive response,” according to a not on its Facebook page, but “the large economic impact resulting from the coronavirus pandemic has made it impossible for us to sustain operations.”

Another Church Street restaurant a few doors away, Ceviche, closed permanently in June.

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Other Stuff

Scott’s Kitchen: Chilean Sea Bass from Delaney’s Tavern

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One of the more popular dishes at Delaney’s Tavern is the Chilean Sea Bass. In this episode of Scott’s Kitchen, executive chef Anthony Albino demonstrates how it’s done. And then Scott tries his hand at it.

You can give it a try, too. Watch the video, read the recipe and get cooking.


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