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Recent Takeout Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On August 6, 2020

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Recent Reviews

Takeout from Ravenous Pig

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Since March, I’ve published approximately 40 reviews on takeout food from a variety of restaurants, and most of what I’ve sampled has made for good at-home eating.

But with the takeout I recently got from Ravenous Pig, I felt like I was having true “restaurant food” at home. What I mean is that even in takeout containers, the dishes from Ravenous Pig still had the sort of specialness that you’d expect if you were dining at the restaurant itself.

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Takeout from Black Bean Deli in Winter Park

Blackbean plated

I had been anticipating visiting the new Black Bean Deli location in Winter Park. I wanted to see how the former Winnie’s Oriental Garden had been transformed into a Cuban deli.

But since I’m sticking with takeout cuisine for the time being, I’ll have to wait a while longer to see the inside of the new dining room. But I can tell you the quality of the food is just as good as it was when BBD was just a little pocket place on Orlando Avenue.

And Black Bean Deli is especially appropriate for takeout because that’s how it started out. The original location, at 325 S. Orlando Ave., had no tables. There was a shelf in front of the window and six stools for people who couldn’t wait to tear into their boxed food. But for the most part, you were expected to pick up your order at the counter and take it home.


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Join the staff at Tap Room at Dubsdread for a free Covid-19 test

covidPhoto courtesy Debbie Goetz, Your Community Paper

It has become de rigueur for restaurant owners to post their Covid-19 policies to assure the dining public of all the steps they’re taking to keep their staff and customers safe. Standard bullet points include requiring masks, gloves for staff, distancing between tables, frequent sanitation of touch points, and taking the temperature of all employees prior to their shift.

Steve Gunter, owner of the Tap Room at Dubsdread, is taking another proactive step: He’s testing every staff member once a week – at no cost to the employee – and he’s inviting members of the public to come in for a free test, too.


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Other Stuff

Scott’s Kitchen: Rigatoni alla Vodka from Tornatore’s Cafe

Tornatore still

In this episode of Scott’s Kitchen, chef Jason Wolfe of Tornatore’s Cafe & Pizzeria in College Park walks Scott through the process of making the fan-favorite dish Rigatoni alla Vodka, complete with death-defying flambé.

(If you don’t have a gas stovetop, you can flambé the vodka using a long-handled butane lighter.)

Watch the video, then give the recipe a try.


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What to do with $500 of gift cards for a closed restaurant

sweet tomatoes gift card copy

Dear Scott: I have about $500 of gift cards for Souplantation [Sweet Tomatoes] that are now worthless. I tried the credit card company and they said they couldn’t do anything for me.

Do you have any ideas on how to receive at least a partial refund on these cards?

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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856



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