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Recent Reviews, Blackfin’s Back, and Supper Club in Dublin

Written By Scott Joseph On July 16, 2014

News from the Flog    
Next Supper Club:
The Oceanaire Seafood Room



blackfin exterior


I told you about the return of Blackfin recently. (Here’s a link to the review if you missed it.) This week the Maitland restaurant added lunch hours to its schedule. And beginning Sunday, brunch will also be available.

I stopped in for a quick lunch today. The menu has a few items from dinner, including the very good soups — seafood gumbo with scallops and shrimp, and lobster bisque with a bit of sherry and creme fraiche — and the flatbreads (my favorite is the one with chicken, bacon and gouda. It’s called the Chicken, Bacon, Gouda Flatbread.

Unique for the noontime meal is an array of sliders and sandwiches. I couldn’t decide which to try, so I tried them all. Continue reading about lunch at Blackfin…

Blackfin is at 640 S. Orlando Ave., Maitland. It is open for lunch Tuesday through Saturday. Brunch, which is being called Sunday Finday — begins this weekend. Dinner is Tuesday through Sunday. I’ll have some more fun news about Blackfin soon.



Recently on the Flog  

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Two Irish Supper Clubs: One in Orlando and One  in Dublin! 

Here’s an extraordinary opportunity to get an insight into Irish cuisine from Ireland’s own celebrity chef — and in Ireland!

Chef, cookbook author and television personality Kevin Dundon will be our host for a very special edition of Scott Joseph’s Supper Club with a private, multi-course dinner in Dublin, Ireland, on August 29, the night before the UCF game against Penn State. We’ll be taking over a famous old restaurant in Central Dublin that once was the favorite of Ireland’s prime minister and is now used as an event space. 

Click here for details about both dinners.

Can’t make the trip to Dublin? Dundon is inviting us to Raglan Road at Downtown Disney for a preview dinner on August 14. Just as in Dublin, we’ll gather at 6:30 p.m. for a reception and be seated for dinner at 7 o’clock (only here we’re talking about Eastern Standard Time instead of Ireland Standard Time).

Go to the Supper Club page for more information and to secure your space.



Supper Club FAQs

Have a question about our Supper Clubs? Someone else has probably already asked. Check out the Supper Club FAQs…  

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