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Recent Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On January 14, 2021

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Recent Reviews

Eddie V’s

EddieVs exterior

I love all the mom and pop restaurants, the little eateries serving sandwiches, barbecue, comfort foods and myriad cuisines of other countries and cultures.

But sometimes you want something a little more upscale, a special occasion splurge. So the other day I said to my Covid companion, “Let’s do Eddie V’s tonight.” It was a welcomed suggestion.

Eddie V’s, of course, is the upscale Darden brand on Sand Lake Road’s Restaurant Row specializing in seafood. Fish is a tough thing to do for off-premises dining, but if anyone could pull it off I was sure Eddie V’s could.

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Greek To Go

Greektogo exterior

A restaurant with a name like Greek To Go should be uniquely suited to serving during these times of takeout and delivery. That’s what initially attracted me to the little Maitland eatery recently.

And I was drawn in by the menu of Mediterranean specialties like moussaka, falafel and of course Philly cheesesteak. Hmmm, OK.

I was also delighted that the restaurant had a user-friendly ordering portal in its website. (The link is only on the front page so if you go right to the menu link you’ll miss the online ordering link.)

And it also allows ine to order in advance, add a tip and pay for the whole shebang right there. (Shebang is a Greek word, right?) I’ll often order for a pickup time later, but since was driving from downtown Orlando, I accepted the quoted time of 20 minutes for an immediate fetch and pulled into the small parking lot just 30 minutes after the order went through. Twenty minutes after that I left with my food. Oh well.

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Help for restaurants overcharged by third-party delivery apps?

Third Party apps.001

The state of Massachusetts Wednesday passed an economic development bill that among other things will help that state’s struggling restaurants through stimulus grants and a 15 percent cap on the fees that third-party delivery entities can charge during the pandemic.

Details of the grants, including whether they will have to be paid back, are still grainy. But the issue involving the delivery fee cap should have immediate benefits.

Third-party delivery apps – UberEats, DoorDash, Grubhub and others – typically charge a 30 percent fee of the restaurant’s order, leaving the restaurant with a crumb of profit, if there’s any profit at all.

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Other Stuff

Get out with your best friend for Pets on the Promenade

Toby Poolside

I know you’ve been itching to get out. So have your pets.

So, many of the restaurants at the Promenade at Sunset Walk are participating in Pets on the Promenade on Sunday, Jan. 17, from noon to 3 p.m.

If you haven’t been to the Promenade, you should know that most of the restaurants there – and there are many – have outdoor dining with ample spacing, which makes it a safer atmosphere and ideal for doggie dining. (Although Pets on the Promenade doesn’t specify genus, we’ll assume they’re referring to canis.)

There’s no charge to attend, and most of the restaurants will have Yappy Hour pricing. (Another clue: pretty sure only dogs yap; could be wrong.)

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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856



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