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Recent Reviews and Restaurant News

Written By Scott Joseph On July 9, 2020

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Recent Reviews

[This Review has been Redacted]

Total Takeou

Here’s my dilemma: I’m a restaurant critic. It says so right there in the job description.

To be an effective critic, one has to point out the negative aspects of a restaurant alongside the positive ones. Ideally, the pluses outweigh the minuses.

But the minuses, if indeed they exist, are important to convey. They give balance. They give credibility. Criticism, in the basest sense of the word, is not always easy to mete out, and despite what some assume is a stereotypically sadistic trait of anyone who takes on the job, it isn’t fun to do. But in the 32-plus years I’ve been a restaurant critic, I’ve never shied away from it.

Until now.

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Takeout from Rocco’s Italian Grille & Bar

Roccos exter

I’ve always considered Rocco’s Italian Grille & Bar to be one of the area’s finest Italian restaurants, and I’m pleased to say Rocco Potami’s excellent food travels nicely.

I recently ordered some food to go from the full menu posted on Rocco’s website.

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More Restaurants Reopen at Disney Springs, Though Others Remain Shuttered

Cityworks ext

There are a couple of new reopenings at Disney Springs, though the shopping, dining and entertainment complex is far from back to before.

City Works Eatery and Pour House, one of the Springs’ newer restaurants, which opened shortly before the mandated closing of all restaurants and bars in March, is back pulling the taps – there are about 90 of them – and serving its menu of burgers, tacos and sandwiches.


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Other Stuff

Newsy Nuggets: No Buffets Allowed

Whiskey togo ext

Formerly known as Bullet Point Buffet. We’re not really doing buffets anymore, and I was never really comfortable with the allusion of live ammunition. So welcome to the first edition of Newsy Nuggets.

The Whiskey has reopened on Restaurant Row. It had closed last Friday when the governor ordered bars to stop serving on premise drinks. But the Whiskey, despite its name, is actually a restaurant at its core – you’ve had their burger, haven’t you? – so it’s back as of noon today.

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Newsy Nuggets: La Cantina, 4 Rivers and Roots, and a Magical Dinner

lindas sign

Linda’s La Cantina, Central Florida’s oldest restaurant (est. 1947), took a planned vacation that was to last a week, from June 30 through July 6. However, during that time, the restaurant’s chef and butcher tested positive for COVID-19. So needless to say the restaurant did not open on Tuesday as planned. A post on the restaurant’s Facebook page Wednesday said that all other employees have tested negative for the virus and stated: “This lets us know that all the Precautions we have enacted are working. This also tells us that our customers are not coming to dine sick.” I’m not an epidemiologist, but I’m not sure that last part is necessarily true.

The chef, identified in the posts only as Steve and as the restaurant’s backbone for 41 years, is still sick, according to Wednesday’s post, and the steakhouse will not reopen until he’s well. Kudos to Linda’s for its transparency.

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