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Restaurant Loftin’s at the Versace Mansion opens to the public

Written By Administrator On March 18, 2009

Loftins It’s official name is now back to Casa Casuarina and it has opened to the public as a hotel and luxury restaurant. But it’s known the world over as the Versace Mansion, the ornately palatial home on Ocean Drive in Miami’s South Beach. Actually, it’s probably more well-known as the spot where clothing designer Gianni Versace was gunned down by a crazy man as he walked up the steps to his home after fetching a newspaper from the nearby Cafe News.

None of that appears on the official Web site, which is not all that surprising. Nor is it in the press release announcing that the hotel and restaurant, once accessible only by invitation, are now open to the public.Loftins

The restaurant recognizes the Versace history with its name, Loftin’s at the Versace Mansion. Loftin is Peter Loftin, the new owner. The menu is under the direction of Dale Ray, whose resume includes stints at the Inn at Little Washington and Chicago’s Charlie Trotter’s. Ray’s cuisine is heavy on seafood and leans towards the Mediterranean.

Despite being open to the public, it may remain in the reach of only the rich and famous — prices range from $18 to $42. And that’s just the appetizers!

Details at casacasuarina.com.

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