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Recent Restaurant Reviews and Taste of the Nation

Written By Scott Joseph On August 26, 2016

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Orlando Taste of the Nation is Saturday; the Last One?

Orlando Taste of the Nation

Unfortunately, It’s time once again for Share Our Strength’s Taste of the Nation, the event that each time it comes around I find myself hoping it’s the last one.

Oh, don’t get me wrong, it’s a fine event. It features about 65 area restaurants and beverage professionals dishing up tasty representations of their menus’ best and serving wines, beers and cocktails to go with it. It’s a walkabout event, so you can wander around and nibble and sip wherever you wish. You can even keep going back to the ones you like the most.

It takes a venue the size of the grand ballroom at Orlando World Center Marriott to hold it all, and it’s big enough to still have room for a sprawling silent auction display and a stage with live entertainment.

It’s all a lot of fun, and I wish it would stop.

Continue reading to learn how to get a discount on tickets.

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Recent Restaurant Reviews



Dovecote walls

 I’ve now been to DoveCote, the new brasserie in downtown Orlando, a half dozen times. I’m pretty sure that’s a pre-review record, especially considering it opened just over a month ago. The previous record was five visits, to a forgotten restaurant many years ago that required the extra scrutiny to break the tie between good experiences and not-so-good. (Ultimately, it tipped in the not-so-good category, which is probably why the restaurant is forgotten.)

That wasn’t the case with DoveCote, and to be clear, not all of the visits were purpose-driven with this review in mind. Some were a matter of convenience, needing a convenient downtown venue for a meeting, and at least one visit was from an invitation from friends.

And no tie-breaker was needed because in fact I liked DoveCote. 

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Supper Club Redux: A Progressive Dinner at Gaylord Palms

Gaylord SC nightboat

For our most recent meeting of Scott Joseph’s Supper Club, we did something a little different. Our friends at Gaylord Palms wanted to host the Supper Clubbers but I had a hard time choosing between the two very good restaurants. Do we go to Old Hickory Steakhouse and go all meaty? Or do we set sail for MOOR, the seafood centric restaurant?

Ultimately, the decision was easy: we’ll do them both.

And so that’s how the first Progressive Supper Club came to be. It was so much fun, I don’t think it will be our last.

We started with a reception and hors d’oeuvres at Old Hickory. Gaylord Palms is a massive structure that features a gigantic interior atrium under a glass roof. Old Hick is situated in a houselike structure in an area designed to resemble the Everglades, except with air conditioning and no threat of Zika.

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I will be drawing a name at random this afternoon for a $25 giftcard to Shari Sushi in downtown Orlando. If you’re receiving this e-letter, you’re already entered to win.

Last week’s winner was Jim Zimmerman.

The names for my drawings are selected at random from among the list of newsletter recipients. If you’re the winner, you’ll be contacted at the same address that this e-letter went to. (The message line will say A note from Scott.)

There are no strings attached — it’s just my way of saying thanks for being a reader.



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