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Recent Restaurant Reviews

Written By Scott Joseph On May 20, 2016

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Recent Restaurant Reviews

Armando’s College Park

 Armando interior

Armando’s, the Italian restaurant from Winter Park’s Hannibal Square, has opened a second location in College Park. It takes over the space in the Wellesley condominium building that most recently was occupied by Hangar Bar and Grille (and originally was Harmoni Market.

It would appear to be an immediate hit, if the crowd that was packed into it on a recent Friday is any indication. Tables were hard to come by for anyone not wanting to wait at least 40 minutes, and there was a pleasant thrum from the people throughout the large space who showed no interest in making the wait shorter.

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Tap Room at Dubsdread is More Than Just a Great Burger

taproom fish

I did something I haven’t done in a very long time when I visited the Tap Room at Dubsdread the other day.

Visiting Tap Room wasn’t the unusual thing. It’s a favorite of mine and I go there often.

But I almost always have the Tap Room Burger, which is just one of the best burgers in town. And if I don’t have the burger, I have the Prime Rib because I don’t think anyone does it better for such a fair price.

But in an effort to climb from the beefy rut, this time I ordered the Grouper Sandwich.


Sprinkles cupcakes and cookies

Sprinkles, a confectionary chain specializing in cupcakes, has opened at Disney Springs with a new shop that features one of its Cupcake ATMs. The ATM works similarly to one you’d find on a wall outside a bank, except that instead of cash a user can withdraw a fresh cupcake. As far as I know, deposits are not accepted.

One caveat: You may need to visit a bank ATM in order to satisfy your cupcake withdrawal.

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 New Feature 

Compliments of the Chef: Baoery’s Sizzling Lemongrass Chicken from Greg Richie

Today we introduce a new feature on the flog: Compliments of the Chef, in which some of our area’s top culinarians share recipes and secrets. We’ll feature dishes from some of the best restaurants in the area and beyond. And we won’t limit it to things you can chew. Look for the occasional cocktail recipe. And if you have a favorite dish or drink you’d like to see featured here, send us a note and we’ll do our best to get it for you.



Greg Richie, executive chef of Thornton Park Restaurant Group’s Soco and Baoery restaurants, shares the recipe and procedure for making Baoery’s Sizzling Lemongrass Chicken. It’s an impressive dish that hits all of the senses when it comes into the dining room. You can make it at home using Richie’s easy to follow recipe. Check out the video above for some advice from the chef.

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