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Promenade at Sunset Walk, plus recent reviews and restaurant news

Written By Scott Joseph On November 12, 2020

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Promenade at Sunset Walk offers outdoor dining and entertainment


Promenade top

I’ve told you about Estefan Kitchen and Capone’s Coal Fired Pizza recently, but I thought I should tell you more about their location, Promenade at Sunset Walk, a newcomer to the flog.

Promenade at Sunset Walk is similar to Pointe Orlando, but with better parking. It’s a collection of shops, restaurants and entertainment venues in a walkable outdoor setting. But something else that sets it apart is that it has a regular roster of events, including a weekly Artisan and Farmer’s Market, outdoor live music concerts and a Show Car Saturday Nights featuring both classics and modern vehicles.

But let’s talk about the restaurants.

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Recent Reviews

Swine & Sons and Da Kine Poke

Local Butcher ext

I got a two-fer when I ordered a meal from Swine & Sons, the gourmet sandwich shop inside the Local Butcher & Market on Orange Avenue in Winter Park. I also picked up a poke bowl from Da Kine, which also shares space in the market.

And I could easily have scored a hat trick if I had chosen one of the smash burgers from S&S’s menu, which specifies it uses meat from the Local Butcher’s butchers.

But instead I was drawn to the Chicken Cordon Bleu and a Southernized Cuban sandwiches.

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FK Your Diet

FK exterior

If you can get past the name, you’ll find some pretty good food at FK Your Diet, a Fort Myers/Cape Coral restaurant that recently opened an Orlando location in SoSoDo. It’s a breakfast and lunch eatery that features conventional dishes with creative twists served in copious portions.

But there is that name.

Technically, the F and K are meant to stand for Foster Kid. The concept’s owner, Doug Miller, grew up as a foster child and has dedicated his business to help children in similar situations, pledging a portion of the restaurants’ proceeds to the cause. Admirable.

But Foster Kid Your Diet doesn’t make any sense. FK Your Diet does as crude shorthand. This restaurant isn’t the only nor the first to resort to tongue-in-cheek uncouthness. The popular sandwich shop Bad As’s apparently thinks a well-placed apostrophe makes it more G-rated. And it’s not just independently owned local restaurants, either. The British owner of French Connection clothing retailer boldly uses FCUK as its logo. Not very subtle.

But I’m guessing it’s only those of us of a certain age, those who remember when television was scandalized the first time Johnny Carson said hell on The Tonight Show, will raise a prudish eyebrow.

And like I said, get past it and enjoy some good food.

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New First Watch will be company’s flagship and prototype

FirstWatch proto1

As previously announced, the former Cinco Tacos + Tequila building, which was Carmel Cafe before that, will become a First Watch. The new news is that it will be a flagship of the Florida based daytime cafe and a prototype for future First Watches.

There are several notable things about the new design, and not just that the tacky fake grass that Cinco tacked on the outside is gone. It will have a bar and incorporate the cocktail menu that is currently available only at the East Orlando First Watch. What’s more, there will be an indoor and outdoor bar.

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Other Stuff

Newsy Nuggets: Large castle for tiny burgers, plus other coming attractions

White Castle Rendering

To those of you who have been holding out hope that 2021 would be a year of good things happening, it falls to me to tell you that White Castle, the Ohio-based fast fooder, will open the world’s largest White Castle restaurant in Orlando next year. No, there’s nothing you can do. They plan to break perfectly good ground for the project next week at the Village at O-Town West in southwest Orlando.

If you’re not familiar with White Castle it’s probably because you didn’t grow up in the Northeast or Midwest. Even so, we did not have a White Castle restaurant anywhere near my hometown in Illinois. The chain is famous for its tiny 2-inch square burgers that were the origin of the term sliders. It was not meant as a compliment. People gave them that nickname because the burgers were so greasy they could slide down one’s gullet easily. Some also referred to them as White Castle gut bombs. So it’s interesting that the term sliders now exists on menus of even tony restaurants. And indeed, White Castle embraced the term itself. Makes you wonder if maybe Chipotle will add an E. Coli Burrito to its menu.

The renderings for the new restaurant show the iconic white exterior with a crenelated turret in one corner. (Legend has it that Chicago’s Water Place Tower was the inspiration for that adornment.) What I find most fascinating about getting the world’s largest White Castle is that there are people whose apparent job is to go around measuring them.

The announcement of the Orlando White Castle isn’t new news – it was first announced in November of 2019.


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Central Florida restaurants offering Thanksgiving Dinner options


Suddenly feeling thankful? Then let’s declare Thanksgiving 2020 back on. I see there’s an open date later this month, on the 26th; are you available? Yes, I know that’s a Thursday, but the weekend is all booked up.

Of course you’re available. The question is, are you going to do the cooking or are you all cooked out? Over the last several months, so many of us have been working on our kitchen skills – cooking more dinner, learning how to bake, nurturing sourdough starters – that maybe we need a break.

Plus, large gatherings are still not recommended, so putting together a big meal when it’s just going to be you and your fellow pod mates may not sound like fun.

So you’ll be delighted to know that our Holiday Listings features 40 Central Florida restaurants that are offering Thanksgiving dinner options. Not all of them will be open on Thanksgiving Day, mind you, but will be offering turkey and other options with all the trimmings for you to pick up and reheat on the big day.

Some will have dine in service, as well. It all comes down to your comfort level. You can even mix things up – get your turkey from one restaurant, get your dressing and mashed potatoes from another, and your desserts from somewhere else. It’ll make you feel like a pilgrim (and you’ll be spreading your dining dollars around).

You can see all of the listings here. Some highlights to consider include: Knife & Spoon, the new upscale restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton, which is offering its own turkey-to-go package; perennial favorite Tap Room at Dubsdread, still all-you-can eat but without the help-yourself aspect; Taverna Opa, with lamb substituted for turkey (I like the idea of a lamb drumstick); Tapa Toro with dine in and takeout options; Delaney’s Tavern with family meals for pickup; and newcomer Mia’s Italian Kitchen with a $29 three-course dine-in special.

Note that some of the restaurants listed that are offering meals for pickup have deadlines for ordering and some require pickup prior to Thanksgiving Day.

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