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On the House: The Elite from JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek

Written By Scott Joseph On November 29, 2023

The Elite Cocktail

In this episode of On the House, Samantha Deacy, bartender at the Sear + Sea lobby bar at JW Marriott Orlando Bonnet Creek, demonstrates her newest creation, The Elite.

Usually, we would also share the recipe for the cocktail, but Deacy uses Buffalo Trace bourbon that she infuses roasted apple and cinnamon stick and then washed with foie gras. Probably not something you’re going to try at home.

So instead, take a look at the video and then head to the JW and ask Deacy to make you one. (Of course, you could always try it with straight, unadulterated bourbon, but you really should get the full effect.) Click below to see the video.

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