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Next Dinner Party – a special one – at Tap Room at Dubsdread, July 24

Written By Scott Joseph On June 12, 2024

Dinner party banner

The next Scott Joseph’s Dinner Party will be a special one, for a number of reasons. Foremost, it will be the first one at the popular Tap Room at Dubsdread in College Park. What’s more, it promises to go beyond – and surprisingly above – the already good food you’ve come to expect from Tap Room.

You’re invited to join me Wednesday, July 24, at 6:30 p.m. in the Florida Room at Historic Dubsdread. Tickets are $159.75 – that includes tax and gratuity – and can be purchased here.

We’ll start with a reception that will include an amuse bouche and a welcome drink, then we’ll be seated, at 7 o’clock, for the multi-course dinner with wine pairings.

And what a dinner they have planned for us. Here’s the menu:

Dinner Party menu

As you can see – and be sure to check out the food pictures below – it goes well beyond Tap Room’s great burgers, steaks and seafood. Owner Steve Gunter said he wanted to give executive chef Stewart Barney and executive catering chef Jose Bofill a chance to show their creative sides and to demonstrate some of the dinners the venue presents for wedding parties and special events, like ours.

There’s another reason this Dinner Party will be special: it will the last one.

After more than three dozen of what used to be called Scott Joseph’s Supper Club, including one that took place in Dublin with Kevin Dundon, then with Raglan Road, and another held on Zoom during the pandemic with the food of Soco, I’ve decided this will be the final episode. I’ll share more about the reasons another time, but I can’t think of a better way to end it than with a Dinner Party at Tap Room.

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