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Newsy Nuggets: Wine tastings at Judson’s, Boucherie, Grazie and more

Written By Scott Joseph On February 19, 2024

George Milotes

I recently told you about the fabulous new Judson’s Live, an intimate music room at Dr. Phillips Center for the Performing Arts. Most evenings will be filled with music groups and soloists, but on Sundays, plans are in the works for master sommelier George Miliotes to host a wine tasting brunch from the stage. No specific details yet; I’ll let you know. The wine tasting brunches are not intended to offer music. But Miliotes has been in the restaurant business most of his life, so surely he knows how to sing the blues.

South Steel SJO March AD copy

As they say in opera, the fat lady has sung for La Boucherie, the French restaurant in the Bay Hill Plaza on Turkey Lake Road; it closed Sunday. The owners of the restaurant, which opened five years ago, posted on Facebook, “While we have poured our hearts into every dish and every interaction, the harsh realities of the current business climate have made it increasingly difficult for us to continue.” They will continue to operate a sister restaurant, Le Cafe de Paris, on Dr. Phillips Boulevard.

The space in Audubon Park that held Bem Bom until just recently won’t stay empty for long. Italian restaurant Grazie is moving in.

Hari Pulapaka, previously of Cress restaurant in DeLand, is planning to open a new place in that city called HARI Cafe. In this case, the HARI is an acronym meaning harmony, agility, resilience and innovation. It’s a good thing his first name isn’t Hezekiah. 

Kai Asian, the popular Michelin-mentioned street fare restaurant from Winter Park, has finally opened its stall at the Food Factory Foodie Collective in Oviedo.

Birria1983, a food truck fast fooder, has opened on Church Street in the used-to-be-a-Grafitti-Junktion space.

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