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News from the Flog: How Restaurants are Adjusting

Written By Scott Joseph On March 19, 2020

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News from the Flog  

Dining Options: Delivery, Takeout, Curbside Pickup

Takeout sack

Central Florida restaurants are adapting to the changing strictures being imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Here are details that some of your favorite restaurants want you to know regarding how they’re dealing with the crisis and what they’re doing to keep their kitchens busy and people fed.

We’ll share the information from other restaurants as it becomes available, so check back often.

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Restaurant Closures

This is a list of known restaurant closings. This list will be updated often.

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Governor Orders Bars and Nightclubs Close at 5 p.m. Tuesday; Restaurants Must Operate at 50 Percent Capacity


Update: Orlando mayor Buddy Dyer reversed his decision to ban on-premise alcohol sales at restaurants. Guidelines now follow those set out by Gov. DeSantis.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Tuesday ordered all bars and nightclubs in the state to be closed beginning at 5 p.m. for at least 30 days.

However, he allowed restaurants to remain open as long as they operate at no more than 50 percent capacity so as to allow appropriate distances between patrons. 

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Disney Springs Closing Until April 1

Edison Tower

Walt Disney World has reconsidered its original decision to keep Disney Springs open even as it closed its theme parks and will shutter all of its company owned and operated restaurants and retail outlets at midnight Monday, March 16, through the end of the month.

In a note on the Disney Springs website, the company posted, “Select restaurants and retail locations at Disney Springs may remain open and Guests should call the location they wish to visit for operating hours.” However, it appears that all of the restaurants at the retail and entertainment complex will follow suit.

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Recent Reviews

Shining Spice

Shining Spice exterior

Last week, before the implementation of social distancing guidelines and before the strictures placed on restaurants to limit occupancy to 50 percent so as to allow a proper distance between customers, I visited a restaurant in Winter Park called Shining Spice.

As you might infer from the name, it is a Chinese restaurant, and I deliberately chose it for that reason. Because the virus that is now disrupting our lives originated in a province in China, Chinese restaurants in the United States and elsewhere were experiencing unfounded bias. I wanted to show some support and to demonstrate that not everyone has a prejudice against an entire people without blame.

Plus, I was hungry for some Chinese food.

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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856



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