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New Restaurant Reviews, and a Terrific New Brunch

Written By Scott Joseph On January 23, 2015

News from the Flog    

American Gymkhana Offers Something Beyond the Basic Brunch Fare

amgym eggsYou go to enough brunches and you start to expect to find certain items on the menu. With luck, and a skillful chef, you might get one or maybe two items that rise above the usual suspects.

At American Gymkhana, which indeed has a skillful chef in Aarthi Sampath, the entire brunch menu is filled with inventive creations that give a nod to classic brunchtime fare but stay true to the Indian theme.

Take the French Toast Gymkhana, for example. Instead of using a white bread, as in a classic French toast recipe, Sampath uses naan. The Indian bread, of course, is not as spongy as a white western bread so the texture is more akin to hardier crepe. But when filled with the cinnamon-raisin mawa, it becomes a sweet treat. A brilliant invention.

I also liked the Lamb & Eggs…

Continue reading review of American Gymkhana’s brunch


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Good Press for Orlando

Orlando’s culinary scene got some international recognition recently in two prominent publications.

First, Wine Enthusiast named Orlando one of 2015’s 10 Best Wine Travel Destinations. (Yes, Orlando!) We’re right between the Rhone Valley, France, and Galicia, Spain. The article mentions Highball & Harvest, Hawkers, Ravenous Pig and East End Market. (A couple of local culinary experts are quoted, too.)

Then the New York Times’ Travel section named Orlando to its “52 Places to Go in 2015” list, with O’do coming in at #13. (Note: The NYT may require login to read the article.)

Of course, having Orlando as a top travel destination is no big deal in itself — after all, we’ve held the number one spot for a while, with nearly 60 million people visiting last year. But what was significant about the Times’ mention is that it focused on the good restaurants and non-theme park things to do here.

We’re getting there, Orlando, we’re getting there!


Is that love in the air, or is someone frying bacon?


Valentine’s Day is coming. (It’s on February 14 this year.) I’ll have a list of restaurant specials very soon, so keep watching the Flog pages.

Restaurateurs: If you’d like your restaurant to be included in the listings, please send all details to me at this link.


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Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide | P.O. Box 568344 | Orlando | FL | 32856


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