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Local Flavor: Turci Pasta’s Prosciutto and Burrata Bruschetta

Written By Scott Joseph On July 14, 2023

Prosciutto and burrata bruschetta at Turci Pasta in College Park
Prosciutto and burrata bruschetta

When I recently reviewed Turci Pasta, the College Park Italian restaurant, I noted that one of my favorite things wasn’t the freshly made pastas it’s known for — though they were exceptional — but rather an appetizer: bruschetta with prosciutto and burrata. The owners, Vinicius Turci and his wife, Nathalia Kalil, graciously shared the recipe with me.

Burrata is essentially a ball of mozzarella with curds and cream in the center. It’s the creaminess that really stands out with this dish.

You may use a toaster, toaster oven or conventional oven, but be sure to get the bread nice and crisp.

See the full recipe at YourCommunityPaper.

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