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Local Flavor: Pasta Carbonara from Francesco’s Ristorante & Pizzeria

Written By Scott Joseph On August 9, 2023

Francesco Pasta Carbonara
Photo: Francesco’s Ristorante & Pizzeria

Local Flavor is a collaboration between Scott Joseph’s Orlando Restaurant Guide and The Community Paper featuring recipes from area chefs and restaurants.

Francesco Aiello, chef and owner of Francesco’s Ristorante & Pizzeria in Maitland, recently celebrated the popular restaurant’s 10th anniversary. Aiello, a native of Palermo, Sicily, attended the cooking school Istituto Alberghiero there, focusing on Italian preparation of seafood and risotto.

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Here, Aiello shares his recipe for classic pasta carbonara. A carbonara done right will make you swear it was prepared with heavy cream. But the richness of the sauce is achieved with egg yolks, cheese and the starchy water the pasta is cooked in.

One key to the success of the dish is to not overcook the egg yolks — you don’t want scrambled eggs in your pasta. Aiello suggests that after mixing the yolks and cheese, adding a little of the reserved pasta water to the mix will temper it.

See the full recipe at The Community Paper.

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