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Local Flavor: Crab Rangoon from Z Asian

Written By Scott Joseph On October 11, 2023

Crab Rangoon from Z Asian

In this edition of Local Flavor, Huong Nguyen, the chef and co-owner of Michelin Bib Gourmand restaurant Z Asian, shares her recipe for crab Rangoon. The recipe is especially geared for those who own an air fryer, but Nguyen also includes instructions for good old fat frying.

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Nguyen and her husband, Hien Q. Pham, will open Pho Ga Hien Vuong Noodle House in the Chinatown complex at 5282 W. Colonial Drive, Orlando, featuring a “farm fresh” chicken concept. Does that mean we should expect feathers? We’ll see.

But first see the full recipe for the crab Rangoon at The Community Paper’s website.

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