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Local Flavor: Asian Slaw from Pom Pom’s Sandwicheria

Written By Scott Joseph On January 9, 2024

Asian Slaw from Pom Pom's Sandwicheria
Photo: Pom Pom’s Sandwicheria

Note: This is Scott’s last Local Flavor column for The Community Paper. Beginning this month, Ricky Ly of Tasty Chomps will be offering some of his favorite recipes.

Pom Pom’s Teahouse & Sandwicheria has been a staple of the Milk District since long before it was called the Milk District. And the sandwiches have such a loyal following that when owner Pom Moongauklang announced last year that she was switching the nighttime menu to feature cold noodle dishes – and no sandwiches – her fans rebelled. The noodles were nixed and the sandwiches reinstated.

They really should have given the noodles a try because Moongauklang knows her stuff. Raised in Thailand, she moved to New York and earned a degree as a pastry chef, working in such restaurants as the original Nobu and Lucky Chang’s, which was famous for its cross-dressing serving staff. Imagine that today.

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Here she shares her recipe for Asian slaw, which is used as a topping in some of the sandwiches but also served as a popular side dish.

Moongauklang suggests using a mandoline to shred the cabbage rather than chopping with a knife. She also says that two packs of preshredded coleslaw mix may be substituted for the whole cabbages.

See the recipe at The Community Paper.

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