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Local Flavor: Adobong Kabute from Kaya

Written By Scott Joseph On September 18, 2023

Adobong Kabute from Kaya
Photo: Blake Jones

According to Lordfer Lalicon, the chef and co-owner of Kaya, “One of the most iconic dishes in the Philippines is adobo, a traditional dish that utilizes garlic, suka (cane vinegar), black pepper and bay leafs as the main components.” But instead of the typical chicken or pork, Kaya uses lion’s mane mushrooms in its adobong kabute and finishes it off with some coconut milk, “to give the dish some fattiness.”Filipino adobo shouldn’t be confused with the Mexican sauce; it’s thinner and slightly sweeter.

Lalicon notes that he sources lion’s mane mushrooms from Fungi Jon, which sells at various farmers markets, including on Saturdays in Winter Park. But if you can’t find lion’s mane, you can substitute any hearty mushroom, including shiitake or even buttons. The dish can be stored in the fridge for up to a week, and it’s a good option for vegans.

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Filipino adobo shouldn’t be confused with the Mexican sauce; it’s thinner and slightly sweeter.

Kaya, in the Mills 50 District, opened just after the first of the year and was included in the most recent Michelin Guide as a recommended restaurant. Both Lalicon and Kaya co-owner Jamilyn Salongo were previously with Kadence, the omakase (chef’s choice) restaurant that has earned a Michelin star two years in a row.

See the full recipe at The Community Paper.

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