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Learn About Wine While Sipping Some at the Science of Wine

Written By Scott Joseph On April 12, 2016

News from the Flog    

Orlando Science Center Hosts the 6th Annual Science of Wine
SOW logo
This will come as a surprise to some of you, but wine doesn’t just happen by magic. For all of the romantic language and flowery phrases associated with all things oenological, it is, at the heart of it all, a scientific process. Agriculture, microbiology, chemistry — they’re all involved in the process. We may commonly refer to it as the art of winemaking, but make no mistake, good wines are the result of good science.

But just because we’re talking about science doesn’t mean that it can’t be fun. Enter the Science of Wine, an annual event at the Orlando Science Center that explores the educational processes that go into turning the juice of grapes into something complex and wonderful. The 6th Annual SOW will be Saturday, April 30, from 7 to 10 p.m.

Anyone whoSOW tasters has been to the Orlando Science Center knows that they specialize in making learning enjoyable.

And besides, there’s wine involved.

In fact, more than 150 wines, provided by presenting partner Southern Wine & Spirits, will be available for sampling. Food, too, from such restaurants as Cask & Larder, TR Fire Grill, Tapa Toro, Taverna Opa, Old Hickory Steakhouse, Black Rooster Taqueria, 4 Rivers Smokehouse, and Cuisiniers, among others.

SOW aerialistCulinary celebrity Emily Ellyn will demonstrate how to make Peanut Butter & Wine Jelly Snow Cones, which itself sounds like a scientific marvel.

There will also be live jazz and, I’m told, aerialists. I’m not sure why the aerialists are there but I’m guessing it has something to do with teaching the law of gravity.

Tickets to the event are $75 if you’re a member of the Science Center and $95 if you’re not.

Proceeds from the event, including the silent auction, go to further the educational programs and outreach of the Science Center.

The event sold out last year, so don’t wait to get your tickets. This link will take you to the Science of Wine website where you can get more information and purchase tickets.

The Orlando Science Center is at 777 E. Princeton St., Orlando, in Loch Haven Park.




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