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Hot Pot Cooking Comes to Mills 50

Written By Scott Joseph On March 6, 2013

mills 50 logoThings are simmering along Mills Avenue in the Mills 50 district, and on at least one block they’re coming to a full boil.

Noodles and Rice Cafe opened recently in the 800 North block of that stretch of U.S. Highway 17-92, taking over the space where Jephanie Foster’s Blue Bistro used to wow diners. More recently, it was International Market, which sold European and Russian products. Noodles and Rice specialized in hot pot cooking, a sort of Asian style fondue concept wherein diners cook raw ingredients in pots of broth set in induction-style heating elements built into the tables. (I’ll have my review of Noodles and Rice Cafe tomorrow.)

Next door to NandR is another new space that will be operated by the restaurant’s owners but which will feature boba tea and smoothies in a neon-lit setting.

And on the corner, on the other side of the only other business in the building, the British Shoppe, which sells items from the U.K., the space that for many years was Chuck’s Diner is undergoing a complete renovation. It’s to be called The Strand, and will be a bistro that will serve lunch and dinner. Given the name, I wondered if it was another British reference, the Strand being a major street in London. But no, there’s no connection. I’ll have more about it soon.

And, of course, a few blocks to the north, the northwest corner of Mills and Virginia Avenues is finally under development with a Fresh Market upscale grocery store. Rumors are that a First Watch restaurant will be another tenant.

Seems like a good time for the city to consider some streetscaping along Mills to pretty things up a bit.

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