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Highball & Harvest has the BBQ for you on July 4

Written By Scott Joseph On June 21, 2016

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Highball & Harvest is Doing the ‘Cuing for the Fourth
I don’t know about you, but I like to spend the Independence Day just kicking back, relaxing, drinking some cold beers. You know, just being Independent.
So I like that Highball & Harvest at the Ritz-Carlton Orlando, Grande Lakes is offering to do the barbecue this year. And provide the cold beer, too!
I’ve experienced barbecue from these folks, so I can tell you they know what they’re doing around a smoker. They’ll be offering slow-smoked brisket, Carolina style ribs, salt-crusted red snapper and a buffet dedicated to bacon. There will be live music, games and, of course, fireworks.
Here’s what’s included: Enjoy two complimentary drink tickets for Florida Craft Beers, cask wines & hand crafted cocktails with live music, games and spectacular fireworks display at 9pm.
  • Indoor and outdoor seating
  • Live DJ entertainment
  • Cupcake decorating station
  • Popcorn station with various toppings
  • Bottled Beer Station
  • Watermelon Eating Competition
  • Games with the DJ for kids (tug or war, three legged race, etc.)
  • Corn Hole, Life Size Jenga and Connect Four
  • Cotton Candy Station
  • Ritz Kids Activities
  • Bounce House
  • Prizes throughout the day for the kids and adults
It all happens on Independence Day, which this year falls on July 4, from 6 to 9 p.m. Cost is $69 plus tax and tip; $30 for kids 12 and under. Cash bar available for additional drinks. You’re going to need reservations for this one, so call 407-393-4648, or you can click this link for more details.
Highball & Harvest is at 4012 Central Florida Parkway, Orlando. 
HandH bbq 

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