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Grand Opening of Kings will Benefit Orlando Ballet with Bowl-erina

Written By Scott Joseph On April 12, 2013

kings lanes

I got a sneak peek at Kings, the new “bowling joint” that will open next week on International Drive. I’ll have more on what I saw — and tasted — later, but I wanted to tell you how you can be among the first in the area to experience the newest bowling restaurant.

On Tuesday, April 16, Kings will host a grand opening party to benefit the Orlando Ballet . The event is called Bowl-erina and will feature lots of food, drinks, live music and  bowling (also live). Tickets are only $65, and get this: that includes show rental!!! Extra points will be awarded to anyone who bowls a strike while executing a pirouette.

The event is from 7 p.m. until midnight and is open only to adults 21 and over. Hosts for the evening are Kings’ owner, Patrick Lyons, and Robert and Tricia Earl. With Robert involved, you know the evening will be over the top, beginning with a klieg-lighted red carpet entrance.

Kings features 22 lanes for bowling, billiard tables, a sports bar with massive flatscreen tvs, booths for dining — some with their own beer taps built right into the table — and lots of other distractions.

To purchase tickets, follow this link to Kings Bowl America. Bowling tutus are not required.

Kings is at 8255 S. International Drive, Orlando.

OrlandoBallet KingsOrlando EmailVersion 031420131

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