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Restaurant Reviews and Other Stuff

Written By Scott Joseph On August 19, 2016

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News from the Flog  

Recent Restaurant Reviews

Delicious Disney Summer Chef Series

Delicious Disney table

Some of the top Disney chefs are getting together to create some exquisite dinners this summer, and you can’t go.

Well, maybe you can. Maybe you have.

It’s all part of a program that’s being tried out called Delicious Disney Summer Chef Series that invites chefs from some of the resort’s more notable restaurants to cook at Markham’s at Golden Oak. Golden Oak is the new home development where you can’t live.

Or maybe you can. Maybe you do — if you have multiple millions to spend on a house.

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Kimchi’s Korean Grill

kimchis logo

Korean food has come to the SoDo district in the form of Kimchi’s Korean Grill.

Notice I didn’t say there’s a new Korean restaurant in the area? That’s because KKG is a takeout-only place. I don’t know why that is. It has more space than, say, the original Black Bean Deli in Winter Park that somehow still manages to provide some ledges for customers who want to consume their food onsite.

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Other Stuff

Epcot Food, Wine Fest Will Run 62 Days

Epcot fest file

We’re less than one month away to opening day of the 21st Epcot International Food & Wine Festival and three months from closing day. This year, the area’s biggest — and longest — celebration of all things consumable will run a whopping 62 days.

The festival starts on Sept. 14 this year, which means that weekend will be one of the hottest of the year. Seriously, the people who write weather almanacs check to see when the Epcot IF&WF starts and just write in triple digit temperatures for that date.

Now if you’re thinking that you’ve done the festival and seen and tasted it all, you should know that there are lots of new things added to the lineup. That doesn’t mean that some favorites won’t be back. For instance, Remy, the little toqued-up rat from Ratatouille is returning, however there is no truth to the rumor that his appearance is being sponsored this year by PR’s Taco Palace.

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