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Food & Wine Unite Orlando, plus Recent Reviews

Written By Scott Joseph On July 8, 2016

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News from the Flog  

Food and Wine Unite
Orlando chefs Kevin Fonzo (K restaurant) and Jamie McFadden (Cuisiniers Catering) and other members of the Central Florida hospitality community will host Food & Wine Unite, a fundraiser to benefit the staff and volunteers of the Center of Central Florida, which was an invaluable resource immediately following the Pulse massacre.

The event will be on July 10, from 4 to 8 p.m. at East End Market, 3201 Corrine Drive, Orlando. This is a donation-only event but registration is recommended. Go to the event website to save your space.

Recent Restaurant Reviews

Dapper Duck

Dapper exterior

There are a lot of bars in downtown Orlando.

A lot.

I wish there were more independently owned restaurants than bars — and someday there may be — but in the meantime, the best we can hope for is that some of these bars take it upon themselves to also serve decent food.

Dapper Duck is one of those striving to do just that. D.D. occupies the space that many longtime residents will remember as Dan’s Sandwich Shoppe. That was so long ago that I think people still spelled it shoppe.

At first glance, the menu doesn’t look very promising. 

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Baoery Settling In To Thornton Neighborhood

Baoery Buddha

Went back to Baoery recently. Baoery, of course, is the Asian Gastropub from Thornton Park Restaurant Group and led by executive chef and partner Greg Richie.

When we last visited, in November, shortly after it opened in the remodeled Cityfish space, there was an unfinished, half-baked look to the place. I

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 Recent News

Circo Coming to Orlando

Rendering Circo

It has taken a while to come together, but it’s now official: Circo is coming to Orlando.

As I first told you in December of 2014, talks have been underway with the restaurant group that owns and operates the legendary Le Cirque Restaurant Brands in New York, including Le Cirque, Circo and Sirio Ristorante.


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Tartini is Closed

Tartini PizzaTartini Pizzeria & Spaghetteria, which brought a touch of chic casual dining to the Edgewood area, has closed. 

The restaurant  opened in 2013 at 6327 S. Orange Ave., Orlando,and was favorably reviewed for its pizzas that were cooked in a woodburning oven with a platfrom that  rotated and rose to cook the pizzas to a delightful crispness in seconds. Tartini had also attempted a second location in Apopka a couple of years ago.

At the end of my first review, I said that Tartini deserved to do well. Pity to see it closed.




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