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Feed the Need at Historic Dubsdread Thursday

Written By Scott Joseph On October 3, 2012

Feed the NeedI hope you’ll join me Thursday night at the historic Dubsdread for the 11th annual Feed the Need, benefitting the Christian Service Center.  The evening will feature food, drink, entertainment, and the chance to pick up some good bargains in both the live and silent auctions. The event will be emceed by Scott Maxwell, who, according to a press release, writes a column for a local newspaper.

Taproom at Dubsdread owner Steve Gunter started Feed the Need with Sandra Lavender in 2001 as a response to do something for people who suddenly found themselves needing assistance following a downturn in the economy after the 9/11 attacks. Gunter says they chose the food pantry of the Christian Service Center specifically because it deals with people suffering a temporary setback. In the past 11 years, the one-night event has raised nearly half a million dollars.

Come help them raise more. Visit the FeedtheNeedOrlando website where you can purchase tickets. They’re only $50 per person. That’ll get you some food, courtesy of the folks of Sysco, and an open bar, thanks to National and Florida Distributing Company. (Come on, I know several of you can get your money’s worth at the bar.) In addition, entertainment will be provided by the band Running with Scissors and the official magicians of the Orlando Magic (no word on whether their lovely assistants will be in attendance).

Feed the Need is Thursday, October 4, 2012, from 6 to 10 p.m. at the historic Dubsdread Ballroom, 549 W. Par St., Orlando. Got questions? Call Mary Lee Walker at 407-425-2523 ext. 230.{jcomments on}

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