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Cattle Baron’s Ball Features a Chuck Wagon Loaded with Some of the Area’s Best Hash Slingers

Written By Scott Joseph On March 22, 2013

Cattle Baron 2013

Time to polish up those clod kickers and iron the gingham — the Cattle Baron’s Ball is coming up soon.

If you’re not familiar with the CBB, you should be. This is the annual fundraiser for the American Cancer Society that features an array of terrific area restaurants. I’ve attended in the past, and it’s one of my favorite events because it’s a lot of fun for a really good cause. It takes place at Rosen Shingle Creek, and the Rosen gang always does a bang-up job. Or maybe that should be a shoot-’em-up job. They go all out is what I’m trying to say.

This year the Cattle Baron’s Ball will be Saturday, April 13, from 6 p.m. until, as the invitation says, “the cows come home.” (Please be advised that the current cow curfew is midnight.) Rosen Shingle Creek is at 9939 Universal Blvd., Orlando.

Here’s the best part: you get to wear that sort of Westerny outfit you bought while you were on vacation in Arizona or New Mexico thinking that you’d look great in it but then realized it would just look silly in Florida so it’s sitting in the closet in the guest bedroom. All attendees are encouraged to dress in “upscale Western,” which is a lot easier to figure out than business casual.

Tickets are $250 per person — remember, this is a fundraiser for the Cancer Society — and that gets you access to all the food and beverages all evening. Some of the restaurants scheduled to be there include Jack’s Place, A Land Remembered, Everglades, BB Kings, K Restaurant and Wine Bar, Emeril’s Orlando, Cuba Libre, Fogo de Chao, Prickly Pear Steakhouse, Uno’s, Cress Restaurant, Empress Sissi, CS Brisket Truck, Hawk’s Landing Steakhouse, and Cusiniers Catering. And with a name like Cattle Baron’s Ball, the event is bound to feature a goodly amount of beef.

Entertainment, too, with Showdown featuring Jaimie Roberts, a country band that will keep things hopping all night.

I plan on being there; I hope you’ll join me. Click this link for more information about the Cattle Baron’s Ball and to purchase your tickets.

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